Community Engagement & Events

Our goal is to help create, produce, and provide opportunities for local artists and creative minds to pursue their artistic endeavors with more visibility and community involvement. From the development of more performance opportunities and showcases, to providing funding and localizing a sustainable industry for artistic careers, The Capital District Arts Initiative is determined to provide agency and access for the creative seeds within all of us. 


Join us on Sunday, October 30th for a day filled with Halloween fun for the whole family! Bring your kiddos trick or treating through our Trunk or Treat Event, grab a bite to eat at our food vendors, listen to some Halloween classics, and more! Complimentary dance class for Adults and Kids at 2pm. Adults will learn the choreography to Michael Jackson’s Thriller while the kids will learn the Monster Mash! Stay tuned for special performances from the CDAI Dancers throughout the event!

 Open Class Schedule

Upcoming events


Art is all around us.

The expression and application of human creative skill and imagination exists in many different forms that are enmeshed in our every day lives. The CDAI wants to be a part of an ever-growing arts community and encourage more community engagement. 

A few ways we see this being accomplished include, but are not limited to: 

  • Connecting artists seeking collaborative opportunities

  • Establishing an event space for artists to make their work in a more affordable way

  • Host events including inter-disciplinary Improvisation Jam sessions, Open Mic Nights, and more

  • Community Outreach programs

  • Developing better Arts funding

For more ways to find out how you can get involved, email us at

If you have ideas about what you would like to see more of in our community, inspire us here!

Let’s collaborate and activate the community.